Our Sponsors and Partners
The phrase “it takes a village” has become something of a cliché, but the fact is, it DOES take a village. At Safe Refuge we are so grateful to the companies and organizations that have chosen to lend us their support. Their contributions to Safe Refuge are significant and valued. Please see the logos of our sponsors and partners below. If your organization would like to assist our mission, please give us a call at (888) 476-2743 or email us at in**@as*********.org We look forward to hearing from you.

Safe Refuge got me back to me where I now live each day for a reason and purpose and connect with my higher power who I call God. I must touch base and walk with Him on a daily basis, for none of this would have been possible without his grace and mercy, and my willingness to want something different. I love myself today and enjoy living. I see life was always there, but I wasn’t.
Just know when you hit your rock bottom; there is hope for you. Today, I take living one minute, one second, one day at a time. You can recover, too!
Tyrone P.
I am a proud to have successfully completed the treatment program at Safe Refuge. With the guidance, assistance and affordability of the program, I’ve been given the opportunity to get my life back on track and move forward to attain goals and aspirations that before treatment appeared beyond my grasp. From the excellent on-on-one counseling sessions to the group classes that addressed many of my substance abuse issues, I was provided the best support, insight and direction on how to move forward with my life.
Vince S.
I came to Safe Refuge broken, bruised, and scared but something inside me knew that I really didn’t want to die and I wanted help. Since I have been at Safe Refuge I know I am a survivor and I am a strong woman. I have walked through a lot of emotions and learned a lot about myself and my disease. The groups, counselors, staff and clients have been an essential part of my Recovery. Safe Refuge helped me rediscover the person I always knew I was.
Jessica E.
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