About Us
Safe Refuge is a place where people who are struggling can come to discover a supportive and caring recovery community. We take pride in our open arms approach, where people from diverse backgrounds can seek, and find, the help they need. We do not discriminate in any way and, in fact, are sometimes found as a last resort by those seeking help.
Our primary funding comes from government agencies designed to help those in need. Our treatment center is licensed and certified by the State Department of Health Care Services. We are accredited by the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for residential and outpatient treatment and community housing for those seeking drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation, including those with a criminal justice history.
We differ from many organizations you will encounter because of our specific, government-funded programs for the homeless, veterans, parolees, HIV/AIDS patients, single women and men with children and co-occurring disorders. Each professionally developed and implemented treatment plan is unique to that individual.Our difference also comes from our family-oriented residential campus in Long Beach, California. We have 11 houses and 2 apartment buildings on one city block that houses 89 clients in our State Licensed & Certified beds, where clients obtain ongoing treatments that includes group and/or individual counseling. We also offer alcohol- and drug-free housing for those who complete treatment and wish to spend more time in a Safe Refuge.For a full list and description of our services, please review this section of our website below.